Donate Now
Lucky Farm Minis is a small nonprofit serving the West Cobb community. Your donation enables us to reach more people and give more back to our community.
Below are what your generous contributions may cover:
$10 allows the purchase of 1 Bale of hay or 1 Bale of stall shavings.
$25 pays for one month of feed for all 3 minis, OR covers a month of fly spray for all 3 minis.
$40 covers grooming supplies for the entire Volunteer season of warmer months. This includes shampoo, detangler, and Show Sheen coat spray.
$55 helps with the purchase and replacement fly masks, OR covers one Farrier visit for one mini. The farrier trims their hooves every 6 weeks.
$100 contributes to health care for the minis. Twice a year they have a wellness checkup and shots. Each visit is $255.